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welcome to the revolutionary back link exchange directory IBL Builder is a revolutionary new breed of link exchange
Link Exchange - Build One Way Backlinks!

A Unique One Way Link Exchange Directory

there are 3 types of link exchange, reciprocal, triangle and one way links
English language sites only please. No warez, scraped, illegal or adult sites allowed.
The usual type of link exchange site is a place where you add your site to a member directory. Other members then contact you, and you both agree to link to each other.

The problem with this is that you are creating reciprocal (two way) links using these link exchange directory sites.

As it is obvious that a reciprocal link is an agreement between two websites, Google has now heavily downgraded the value of reciprocal links.

The bottom line is that you need to be building valuable one way links to your site, and that is where we can help you.

Yes you add your site to a member directory and interact with other members for links, but that is where the similarity ends!

Using our revolutionary link exchange, you build only valuable one way links! On top of that, every single page of your site can be added and managed individually. This means that rather than one page of your site working for you, with our linkbuilding accounts EVERY SINGLE PAGE can be working for you.

We give you control, information, safety and power over your linkbuilding like never before.

IBL Builder is different to the other link exchange directories out there. But don't take our word for it, open your free, no obligation account right now - and get more backlinks!
click here to join our link exchange directory and start building one way links
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© 2009 IBL Builder
IBL Builder is a division of Jemple LTD, Registered Company Number 05974529