Frequently Asked Questions
I am confused - explain how it works!
Once your free account is open, you simply complete a short form to submit your first "zone". A zone contains the links you
wish to use, the anchor text variations, and categorization for your site.
You then upload one code file to your server, and paste a line of code into the page you want outbound links to appear on. This
is called creating a "zone" on your site. A site can have as many zones as you have webpages, as each zone is linked to one
page on your site, and links within each zone appear
where and how you want them to. A link wizard in each zone even allows you to match the styling of the links to the rest of your site.
You then go into the member directory and offer links from your site to theirs, in order to build up your link credits. You
can then spend link credits requesting other members give you an inbound link. This credit system ensures that everyone in
the network has to participate, and also turns non-reciprocal linking into a reciprocal process (ie, you have to give links
to receive them).
Thats it! In ten minutes you could have submitted your site, uploaded the code, and be gaining inbound links. Reciprocal
linking is blocked by the system, so you know you are never forming a reciprocal link. You links will appear on other sites
with the anchor text you specify and the URL you specify, and they cannot intervene in that, making it the most failsafe
long-term linking strategy you can undertake to boost your websites rankings.
I am a business website owner - how can IBL Builder help my website to grow?
It's no secret that getting quality, natural, one way backlinks to your site is key to its success. Google loves inbound links and sees each non-reciprocal link as a "vote"
for your site. The more votes, the higher it helps you climb the search results on Google.
IBL Builder can help you to gather quality, relevant links to your site, using our link management accounts. Not only that, but you can then sit back in the
knowledge that those links you set-up are definitely linking to your site using the anchor text you want.
IBL Builder is another tool to help you beat your opposition to the top spot, complementing your existing linkbuilding
strategy, and giving you that vital edge you need to succeed.
I run a casual site/blog - how can you help my site to increase its search eninge rankings?
You enjoy your website/blog and put your heart and soul into it. Then you notice that virtually nobody is visiting it, you are on page one million of Google
for your keyword search, and a million unrelated, spammy sites are in front of you. So you read, and you realise that you need natural, one-way, inbound links to
your site. You then spend weeks begging people to link to you and hoping that they do. You hope they use the keyword search term in their link anchor text, and
you hope that the links stays on their site long enough for Google to find it.
We can help you to build those inbound links, and then manage them for you totally hands off. If you already build inbound links, then view
IBL: Builder as an additional tool to complement your existing linkbuilding. A few quality one way backlinks gained through
our network would raise your sites search engine position massively.
I have heard this before - you are one of those automated triangle linking sites right?
IBL Builder is a revolutionary new system for gaining totally natural inbound links, that you control. Our system
does not involve reciprocal or triangular linking. Nor does it involve linkfarms, forced link pages, or any other dubious practise.
Our link management accounts do just that, they allow you to find relevant websites, automatically submit your requests to them, and then we manage the links
appearing on your site. So you are always in complete control of your links, our software just helps to make the process of getting them easier, and
protects your work once the deal is done.
I bet Google will penalize me for using this site?
Google's webmaster guidelines clearly say that Google likes sites that build natural non-reciprocal links. Google hates
reciprocal linking, paid linking, automated linking and triangle linking. IBL Builder is none of those. Our system manages
the process of finding and submitting inbound and outbound link requests, and once the two parties have agreed, manages the
appearance of those links on their website. We do not do the link requests on a members behalf, nor do we allocate
links out, So our link management system does not contravene the sprirt of Googles natural linking guidelines, as
it is the individuals who make the decision, we support them with tools to make that process easier and fairer.
We think that our system actually makes the relevancy of inbound links better, simply by making it easier for people
to manage that process. By making it easy to find relevant sites to link to and get links from, we are increasing the relevancy of backlinking
on the net - something Google could only agree with. What happens at the minute is that people desperately get dubious links from anyone they
can to increase their search engine rankings, something our system helps to make a thing of the past.
How do you make sure the links to my site have good anchor text then?
The site owner does not manage the links, you do from within your account. You decide the anchor text you would like
and you decide the URL you would like it to link to. Our system then pulls through that anchor text variation along
with the link onto the relevant page where the link appears.
How flexible is it? Can links go into my existing pages?
Our system works on the principal of "zones". Each page on your site can be a zone. You can create unique zones for each
page of your site, or as many pages as you want. You can then paste the link code into the page wherever you want, and then
use the style wizard for each zone to ensure links look part of your site. There are no compulsory headers, links or
anything else! You simply integrate the code wherever you want links to display.
What are the requirements to join/does my site need to meet a quality standard?
Anyone can join IBL Builder. However, if you are running a blog farm, MFA (Made For Adsense) site, using unauthorized scraped or iframed
content, sending people elsewhere via redirects, or anything else of a dubious nature, please don't waste your time signing-up.
Once you have signed-up you can create your first "zone", and upload the required link code to your webserver. You must
therefore have the ability to access your sites files via FTP/CPanel or SSH to use our service.
How can I build links using the system?
Step 1 - Signup in under a minute
Step 2 - Create a "zone" (takes 2 minutes)
Step 3 - Upload the link code to your website via FTP
Step 4 - Browse the directory and offer to link to other members sites (zones) to build up your inbound credits.
Step 5 - Spend your inbound credits requesting other members link to you.
It really is that easy to get started, and we help you every step of the way. We are not a dodgy automated link exchange
and we take pride in what we do and the service we provide. But don't take our word for it, try us free today.
What types of website technology do you support?
We currently support websites with html, php and shtml file extensions. We also support Wordpress sites via a
plugin that you can install from within your Wordpress admin panel. Full installation instructions and help
via a knowledgebase and ticket helpdesk are there to help you, every step of the way and whatever you level
of knowledge.
We are currently developing plugins for Drupal and Joomla, as well as code for sites using ASP. We aim to
launch these sometime in July. So if your site runs on one of these technologies, sign-up now so that you
can receive our newsletter telling you when they launch.
So who are you guys - will you be sticking around?
IBLB's parent company is Jemple, a UK Ltd company. This project has been set-up with its own five-strong development and
implementation team (project co-ordination, marketing,design, admin and coding). This investment means that IBLB is seen by us as a
site that will always be around, delivering our members links.
Our ethos with IBLB is simple. To offer people a simple, robust system, backed by help from real people. IBLB was born
due to our own real-world frustrations with inbound link building, and the limited options for legitimate (and cost effective)
link growth. So we have developed IBLB so that you do not have to ever suffer those frustrations!
Members can always contact us quickly and easily via the ticket helpdesk available in all member accounts.
Does your service leave footprints on my site?
We understand that people may not want anyone to know that their links are being served by IBL Builder, due to
misconceptions that IBLB is an automated link program.
We can reassure you right now that the only thing that will be visible on your site, either on the page or in the underlying
code visible by viewing source code, will be outbound links to other members sites.
I buy and sell (flip) websites - how can you increase my sale values?
IBLB can increase the value of the sites you sell very simply because you can sell them with inbound links attached.
Simply open an IBLB account and gain inbound links rapidly for the site(s) you are going to sell. Once you have
a lot of links and you can prove it by showing the customer yahoo explorer data, you are selling a website with links.
Its the same if you design turnkey sites to sell on Sitepoint for example, you can add value to the new site by
rapidly building inbound links to increase its value.
When you sell the site, you simply ask the buyer to open an IBLB account. You can then transfer the links (that we call a zone) linked to
their new website. They then have full control of their new links. This transfer process is totally free, and
can gain you extra sales through offering this value-added service to your customers.
How can IBLB backlinks be legitimate to Google if links are dynamically generated?
If you use a CMS (content management system, such as Joomla for example), links you display to other sites will have been dynamically generated
onto the page by the CMS program - that is the nature of dynamic webpages. All IBLB does is to use a piece of code to dynamically
display links you have built in our system. The code pulls the link details through from our server and displays them as
static html links on page.
So using IBLB to display links is no different to using a CMS to produce content, IBLB uses the same technology to manage
the links you have built.
What safeguards do you have to ensure links are displayed?
All links are cached onto a seperate link server. In the event of the link server going down, the links are switched to
display from a backup cache server.
I do not want to put code on my server!
Simple question if you are thinking that - why?
The IBLB code on your server is there to ensure links are always in place. It ensures all sites participate and it ensures
that everyone plays fair. Thats a good thing yes?
The IBLB code does not impact on your sites performance.
The IBLB code is not visible to your visitors, and leave no footrpints in your code. Nobody can tell you are using
our service other than you.
We would hate you to miss out on building quality links to your site because of an unfounded fear about uploading a piece
of code. It keeps you and everyone else safe from abuse, and it allows you to rapidly build links to your site.
If you still think there is something "dodgy" about uploading our code, then why not contact us so we can
answer your concern?
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